Include MagnaFerm® Supra as a routine part of your nutrition program by thoroughly mixing or topdressing the following amounts:

Dairy : 3.5-14 grams (0.12-0.49 oz) per head/day in the daily supplement, or 1-4 lb (0.5-2.0 kg) per metric ton of complete feed

Beef Cattle and Horses: 3.5-14 grams (0.12-0.49 oz) per head/day in the daily supplement, or 1-5 lb (0.5-2.5 kg) per metric ton of complete feed

Swine and Poultry : 0.5-4 lb (0.25-2.0 kg) per metric ton of complete feed

Sheep and Goats : 3-7 grams (0.11-0.25 oz) per head in the daily supplement, or 2-5 lb (1.0-2.5 kg) per metric ton of complete feed

Pets : 2-5 lb (1.0-2.5 kg) per metric ton of complete feed



 • Highly concentrated yeast culture with one-fourth the use rate of conventional cultures

 • Hydrolyzed yeast and yeast extract to support intestinal function

 • More metabolites- Low temperature dehydration preserves the nutritional metabolites and live, active yeast cells

 • More performance- Stimulates rumen microorganisms and stabilizes conditions throughout the digestive tract

 • Boosts digestion of feeds and forages

 • Improves dry matter intake and utilization for greater weight gain and milk production

 • Low fiber- No unfermented fiber carrier

 • Contains the original fermentation media, complies with AAFCO definition 96.8 (IFN 7-05-520)

 • Extremely palatable

منتج عالي الجودة من وسائط التخمير وخلايا الخميرة (السكاروميسيز سيرفيسي) الحية

منشط قوي لميكروبات الكرش

تحسين عملية الهضم وتعظيم الاستفادة من الاعلاف.

تحسن من استهلاك العلف و الاستفادة منه مما يحسن الاوزان و يزيد انتاج اللبن.

من وسائل مقاومة الميكروبات الضارة

يحسن من الامتصاص و النمو و الانتاجية

.الاضافة : 3.5 جم \ راس \ يوم.

الجرعة في الدواجن : 250 جم \ طن