For luteolysis of functional corpora lutea in cows, mares and sows

Mode of Action

Cloprostenol is rapidly distributed in the body following intramuscular administration.  It plays a role in ovulation, luteolysis, gamete transport, uterine mobility and expulsion of Foetal membranes.

In cattle maximum tissue levels are reached within 30 minutes of dosing.  Cloprostenol is eliminated in approximately equal amounts via the kidney and in the bile.  Excretion in urine is partly as unchanged Cloprostenol and partly as its tetranor acid, both in conjugated and unconjugated form.  In cattle, Cloprostenol has a biological half-life of 1.6 hours.  Within 24 hours the concentration of Cloprostenol at the injection site falls below the limits of detection.  It does not accummulate in the mammary gland.



Cows: Induces luteolysis of functional corpora lutea, with return to oestrus in most cows in 2 - 4 days, except during the refractory period spanning the first 4 - 5 days after ovalation

Mares: Causes regression of the corpus luteum in mares.  Oestrus commences in 2 - 5 days.

Sows: To induce parturition, usually within 36 hours following treatment.  In pigs the corpus luteum is refractory to the effects of PGF2a in the first 11-12 days post ovulation.  The period during which Cloprostenol can be employed for oestrus manipulation in cyclic sows is too short to be cilinically useful for oestrus synchronisation.


Directions for use

For intramuscular injection into the anterior of the neck


Dose Rate

Cows: Single or repeat doses of 2mL Ovuprost (500µg Cloprostenol)                                                   Mares: Up to 400kg bodyweight 0.5 - 1mL Ovuprost (125 - 250µg Cloprostenol)                                       Over 400kg bodyweight 1 - 2mLOvuprost (250 - 500µg Cloprostenol)                                   Sows: Single dose of 0.7mLOvuprost (175µg Cloprostenol) within 3 days of expected farrowing date.



Active Constituents

Each mL contains 250μg Cloprostenol