For Poultry

Water soluble powder easy to be prepared

Composition: Phenoxypen® WSP contains phenoxymethylpenicillin potassium (Penicillin V K) per gram, 

Properties: Penicillin V, like all penicillins, a bactericidal on growing bacteria. interferes with the development of the bacterial cell wall. The enzyme transpeptidase is inhibited and rendered inactive, thus removing its ability to form cross-linkage between two linear peptidoglycasestrands. This results in abnormal cell growth and cell lysis.

Indications: Penicillin V is a narrow spectrum penicillin with a bactericidal activity against mainly Gram-positive bacteria. So, according to sensitivity tests , PHENOXYPEN is advised to be the drug of choice in cases of  infectious diseases caused by Enterococcus- Cecorum, Pneumococcus and Streptoccocus Spp.


  • Narrow spectrum antibiotic
  • 100% water soluble
  • Stable at acidic medium ( low pH ) so it shows more stability in GIT after oral ingestion
  • Maximum plasma concentrations are reached within 1-2 hours
  • Withdrawal time is only 1 day
  • No adverse effect on the gut flora

Administration: Orally via drinking water

Dosage:  The amount of Phenoxypen WSP (in grams) to be used per 1000 liters =68 mg (on day 1 and 2) or 46 mg (from the 3rd day on)Phenoxypen WSP/ kg of BW x average BW per animal (kg) x number of animals.     It is adviseable to use the higher dose on day 1 and 2, as shown in the formula

Precautions and Warnings:

  • Phenoxypen should not be used for rodents, since they are sensitive for penicillins.
  • Phenoxypen is registered for the use in chickens, which do not produce eggs for human consumption.
  • It is not advised to use for cats and dogs
  • Phenoxypen should not be combined with bacteriostatic antibiotics, nor any other medicinal products.




كل 1 جم يحتوي على 325 مجم بنسلين (في) بوتاسيوم


علاج إصابات الكلوستريديا, استربتوكوكس, ستافيلو كوكس, زهري الدواجن


20 مجم /كجم من وزن الجسم أول يومين,

ثم 10 مجم / كجم من وزن الجسم لمدة 3 أيام

 العبوة : 500 جرام, 1 كجم